Galaxy s5 Sprint update

Sprint updates the Galaxy S5 to Android 5.0 Lollipop

Sprint is announcing some highly expected updated this days. The US carrier has just announced the update to Lollipop of the HTC One (M7), and it’s now releasing the new Android version to the Galaxy S5.

A few days ago, Verizon announced the update of the Galaxy S5, and now Sprint is following close behind. In their website, Sprint posted a brief changelog with the main new features. Oviously, the most interesting one is the new Android 5.0 Lollipop.

Android OS update to v5.0 Lollipop.
Enhanced VoWiFi UI.
Lumen tool bar removed.
Galaxy s5 Sprint Lollipop

The new software version is G900PVPU1AOA6. As usual, you can just wait for the notification or you can manually check for the update. If you want to get the new Lollipop as soon as possible, tap on the “Apps” icon and go to “Settings”. Once there, search for “System update” and if the update is available for you device, tap on “Update now”.

The file is quite big, as it is a major update. Be sure to be using a Wi-Fi network and check that the battery is charged enough. Once the download is complete, you can start the installation. When it’s finished, the phone will automatically restart, running the new sweet version.


More information at Samsung.

Source: Droid-life.