If you are users of OnePlus One is possible that you have had more than one problem at one time with the sensitivity of the touch screen of your device with Bluetooth, when you connect with musical equipment of your car or when sending messages MMS with default applications.
If so you’re in luck, because you will rejoice to know that as was report on Android Police, Cyanogen has finally released a new update of its Cyanogen OS for this device, which promises to put an end once and forever these annoying and persistent bugs.

This is the build Cyanogen OS 12.0 YNG1TAS2I3 Incremental still based on Android 5.0 Lollipop, a new update files which have been published in the official forums of OnePlus, which also shows us a changelog in which we could read them offering a solution for the following three issues:
- Sensitivity of the touch screen.
- Bluetooth connectivity with multiple audio systems in cars.
- Sending MMS in several operators.
In the last hours OnePlus has also made headlines for having begun to reveal some of the specifications of the next device, as it will use version 2.1 without overheating the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor. It is expected that in the coming weeks and as they did last year it will go shelling the remaining specifications.