Android TV

ADT-1 receives an update to Android 5.0.2

ADT-1, the Android TV set-top box announced during the last Google I/O, receives an update to Android 5.0.2.

The new version is LRX22G, it it’s just an small update. It will bring some changes to the system performance a a few enhancements. It’s available for rooted and non-rooted devices, and you can install either from an OTA update or from a download .zip file.

In the Google+ community there are the detailed instructions and files to safely install the update. For rooted devices, you just need to follow these steps:

1. / Make sure You have the correct drivers installed on your PC. All COMMANDS Should Be Done From The Same Directory ..!

2./ Install this CWR Recovery ONLY “fastboot flash recovery cwr_molly_recovery.img” … Please note: After installing the CWR, Wipe the cache and Clean data, factory reset in the CWR, before going on to number “3” below a must ..!

3./ Use the option “adb sideload ” to install “adb sideload”

4./ After you install the” 100%, let You ADT-1 set for a few minutes, then reboot your ADT-1

5./ Stroll down to Settings icon, you should see a “Notification icon”, open it, there you will see a “Update Message”, Update Your ADT-1 now

6./ When your device comes back up go Settings> Device> About> Build, tap on “Build” 10 times, until you see the message You are already a developer”, back out you will see another pop up message asking you to authorize your PC, authorize it …

7./ Open a command window, type in “adb reboot recovery”, You will see the Android man with a red triangle, hold the button in on the left back side of the ADT-1 in for 10 seconds …

8./ Now you will see the stock recovery, go to “apply updated from ADB, type in “adb sideload” …

9 After you install the above update let your ADT-1 set for a few minutes, then reboot it … You have installed the 5.0.2 Upgrade …

Android TV ADT-1

If you are running a non-rooted ADT-1, the process is rather straightforward. You just need to download the update, and then run the ‘adb rebbot recovery’. If you hold the button behind the ADT-1 for a few seconds, you will find a list of commands. You need to go to ‘Apply Update via ADB’ and run ‘adb sideload’.

You can find the files here: package and update zip.

Source: Israel Olivier.

Via: AndroidPolice.