Nabi has just announced an Over-The-Air (OTA) update for the DreamTab HD8 that includes some additional features as well as some enhancements and fixes.
Among the additions, we can find a new Calendar app and the new software version, Android 4.4 KitKat. Kids will have now the possibility to organize their daily schedules writing their own appointments or selecting the events among the present ones. On the other hand, the upgrade to KitKat 4.4 comes with the usual improvement of memory management and faster multi-tasking.
The update will also enable the tablet’s NFC capability. With his new possibility, kids will be able now to pair the device and share information more easily. It will also give the chance to play Morpho Pods Dragons Edition in the School of Dragons game.

Besides all these new features, the update will fix some problems related with the nabi Music and Gallery, and the Bluetooth pairing. Some problems regarding the SD card compatibility and linking to other websites has also been addressed, as well as some Google Security fixes.
To update your nabi DreamTab HD8 we are going to need 1.5 GB of free memory and at least 50% of battery life, and have it plugged in and charging. Once we have checked these points, we can go to nabi Moomy/Daddy Mode and tap on Update (bottom right) to download the update. To do so, we need to tab on Check Now, Update System Now and confirm the update to start the process.
The device will automatically reboot, and after a few minutes, the software and firmware will be updated. Once finished, we can go to the Settings menu and tab on About. Under the Product Versions, we should see v1.2.
You can find more information at Nabi website.