The Aquos Crystal is a middle range smartphone manufactured by Sharp that reached the market just a few weeks ago. It’s an interesting device, with a good balance between performance and price.
The most remarkable feature of the Sharp Aquos Crystal is its design. It has an almost bezel-less screen, thanks to the uncommon location of the front camera, sensors and notification LED. All those components has been moved to the bottom part of the device, leaving the upper part completely free.
The device is Sprint exclusive, with a price of $149 contract-free. It is a 5-inch device with 1280 x 720 pixel resolution powered by a Snapdragon 400 processor and 1.5 GB of RAM.
The Aquos Crystal runs Android 4.2.2, and it doesn’t change with this update. The new software fixes some bugs and add some new bloatware. The new firmware version is SA300, and it will be rolling out in waves.

As usual, you can wait for the notification to download the update or you can search for the file manually, by accessing the “Check for updates” option in the “Settings” menu.
Here you have the full list of changes that you can expect with the new version:
Integration of Yahoo Communications Suite:
Yahoo Smart Contacts, a cloud-based single address book of aggregated contacts utilizing social media for content such as photos and status.
Enhanced Dialer including adding favorites and groups
Premium Caller ID. Receive caller ID information from unknown telephone numbers.
Fixes individual messages previous sent from re-appearing when the individual is part of a group text.
When using POP3 and IMAP embedded images in email are now displayed correctly.
Camera shutter sound can now be muted.
Improved power consumption
Google Security Patch
Source: AndroidCentral.