OnePlus has been having problems with its device since the very first day it reached the market. The OnePlus One is one of the few devices to run CyanogenMod. Although there is a big team behind this software, there are still a lot of issues to fix.
Almost every month, the company releases an OTA update, supposedly to definitely fix the detected problems. However, every time that a new update is released, it seems to unleash another set of issues.
Now, the company has announced a new OTA update, with the 44S built. Here, there is the list of changes that the new version brings to the OnePlus One:4
Resolved SSLv3 POODLE security issue
Updated touchscreen firmware
Fixed issues with memory causing screen artifacts
Fixed issues with random reboots and instability
Fixed issues with WiFi and modem crashes
Fixed issues with Filesystem
Fixed issues with “black bar”
Fixed issues with persist partition corruption
Fixed issues with AT&T VoLTE

It won’t bring big changes, but if it really fixes all of these issues, then it’s worth a try. The update will be rolling out gradually, so keep an eye on your notifications because you are going to see the new software version available on the next few days.
As always, it’s highly advisable to be connected to a Wi-Fi network before downloading the file. And check the battery level before starting the installation, as the smartphone should be connected all the time.
Source: OnePlus.