A few days ago, Google posted the Android 4.4.4 factory image for the last device of the Nexus family still running the previous version. The Nexus 7 (2013) LTE has finally received the OTA update and will be now running the last version available.
The new firmware, KTU84P, brings some security enhancements, corrects some issues and offers some improvements in the overall performance. It’s an small update, 2.4 MB, but it will finally put this device at the same level that the rest of Nexus smartphones and tablets, which had been running Android 4.4.4 for a few months now.
If you have a Nexus 7 (2013) LTE tablet, you can either wait for the OTA notification or download it manually. If you don’t like to wait, you can just download the image file from Google Developer website and flash it into your device.

We need to have the fastboot tool in order to flash a device using this file. You will find all the information regarding how to install it and how to flash the system image at the Google Developer website.
https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/imagesRemember that when you flash your device, your images and data will be deleted. You should always keep a backup copy before flashing a new system image.
Once installed, we will find the new software version after rebooting the device. It’s a small update, so you shouldn’t be expecting any big change. However, it’s always advisable to have the last version available.