A few weeks ago that Motorola confirmed the news, some problems related to the optimization of Snapdragon S4 chipset on Motorola Moto X 2013 delayed upgrade to Android Lollipop for the device.
Furthermore, considering the progress of the new Google Android distributions, the American company is going directly to the base of Android 5.1 for its Moto X and Moto E first generation. They already may have dates for the launch of the official update as was announced, which seems very close in response to information indicating the start of the testing phase of Android 5.1 on the Moto X.
Moto X 2013 update to Android 5.1 Lollipop was finally released in 14 countries. The second generation of the Moto X is already receiving its update a few weeks ago. The production manager of Motorola software, David Schuster, through his Google+ account has announced that, despite the problems encountered in the soak test last week, finally Moto X first-generation update to Android 5.1 lollipop is already releasing in 14 countries (Australia, India, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Belgium, Spain, etc.).

The production manager of Motorola software has to run at all times to the social network of Google to explain the latest developments regarding the process of renovation. Soak test phase was also launched in Europe but had no problems as happened in India.
This period of testing had been opened in Brazil, which confirm improvements in the camera and notifications in addition to those already included in the new version 5.1 of Android Lollipop. No further countries to which the OTA update package had reached were not known yet, but probably Motorola was going to extend the distribution to its main markets in the coming weeks. It is recalled that the Americans have promised full support until the end of this year presented to all devices from 2013.