If you were impatient to get as soon as possible the latest own personalization layer called HTC Sense 7 in HTC One M8, forget it, it will not ve ready until a few long months. Confirmation is official and words of Mo Versi, Vice President of Product Management at HTC, he mentioned in his official Twitter account that the HTC One M8 will not see Sense 7 in their guts.
The main and only reason we know so Sense 7 does not reach the One M8 within weeks is because the company plans to do even with the release of the new version Android M. The problem with this is that it can be extended easily even until the beginning of 2016, leaving major updates to HTC One M8 over half a year.
@harshitsharma04 Will be tied to the M release. Thanks.
— Mo Versi (@moversi) agosto 6, 2015
If there is something that HTC should improve as soon as possible it is the support they get their terminals, as apparently seen, as you do not own the latest flagship raisins to be forgotten and update the terminal when they see fit, without worrying about security vulnerabilities as Stagefright or improve performance, among other things.
The bad news continues for the company, although this time the users suffer. HTC promised Sense 7 would update to certain terminals this year, making continued support and keeping alive some of the highlights as the previous flagship as HTC One M8, but it will not. Although the year at first seemed to be definitive for the HTC signs his new goal to recover its market share by launching all kinds of terminals of all ranges and suitable for all budgets, it is being fatal and economic situation alarming.