Today we have known through a leak from a list some HTC devices that will receive the update to the new Google operating system officially. Although any list of this kind also has its downside, as is knowing which terminals will not receive the new version of the OS or where HTC will make the cut.
Already in August, another list was filtered with terminals from different manufacturers to be updated to Android 6.0 Marshmallow, and where appeared the HTC One M8, One M9, M9 Plus, E9, E9 Plus and One E8. Now a specific list of HTC quite detailed offers details on plans to update terminals from the company and about some dates. Undoubtedly the main negative conclusion we can draw from this list is that the cut marks terminals that will receive Android 6.0 Marshmalow or not, as the HTC One M7, which will no longer be officially supported by the firm, and it will be Android 5.0.2 Lollipop and Sense 6 so that this terminal will be hereinafter where the new update is received.

Recall that this new software will come under the new layer of the firm called Sense 7. For the latest handsets from HTC, the HTC One A9 will receive Android 6.0.1 during first quarter of 2016, while the HTC One M9 will receive Android Marshmallow later this month of December, while updating to version 6.0.1 will happen in the first quarter of 2016. Some of the HTC terminals will not be updated to Android 5.1, but jump directly to Android 6.0 as in the case of HTC One M9+, HTC One ME, HTC One M9+ Supreme, HTC One M8, HTC One E8, and HTC One M8s.
There are other terminals to be jumping for Android 6.0 upgrade directly to the version 6.0.1, as is the case with the Butterfly 3 or the Desire 826 and 820, which will jump from Android 5.1 to 6.0.1 directly in the second quarter of 2016. Other terminals that receive Android 6.0.1 in the second quarter of 2016 will be the Desire 626 and Desire 526, that will receive version 6.0 and then 6.0.1, probably. In any case, it seems that by HTC there will be more updates to versions of Android Lollipop, jumping all upgrading to one of the two versions of the brand new Android Marshmallow.